EM@3AM: Brainstem Strokes
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
APRIL 24, 2024
Pediatric strokes are rare and challenging to diagnose. There is a validated Pediatric Stroke Scale from the NIH that can be used in conjunction with a stroke protocol that involves Neurology, Radiology, and a local/regional Stroke Team. Early consultation with a pediatric hematologist and neurologist is mandatory.
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Pediatric Education
APRIL 30, 2023
She had a history of neonatal stroke for which she had received physical and occupational therapy. The mother and medical records confirmed that a cause had not been determined but the child had a neonatal arterial ischemic stroke. The mother had been evaluated for hypercoagulability which was negative.
OCTOBER 30, 2023
2 In response to the constrained availability of contrast media, emergency medicine (EM) and radiology departments were compelled to enact modifications in their imaging techniques. In most cases, the radiology team functioned as the main decision-maker playing a key role in drafting institutional protocols. 11 Table 1.
FEBRUARY 29, 2024
3, 6 Among patients with stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI), the risk may be as high as 28%-76% and 23%-60%, respectively. Post-stroke infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 1, 2 Its occurrence often portends worse outcomes in intubated patients, whose projected hospital course was already tenuous. Westendorp, W.
Don't Forget the Bubbles
FEBRUARY 5, 2025
E.g. burns, neurosurgery, interventional radiology. It can cause significant internal injuries, including carotid artery dissection, stroke, and acquired brain injury, but in 50% of patients, there are no external signs of injury. Clinical Radiology: Major paediatric trauma radiology guidance. link] Sardinha, L.
JUNE 26, 2023
Severe acute traumatic coagulopathy = PT >1.5 to 3.33; P = 0.72 NOT STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT Also no difference in individual components given Thromboembolic Events: 4F-PCC: 35% Placebo: 24% Absolute Diff: 11%; 95% CI 1 to 21% Relative Risk 1.48; 95% CI 1.04 to 2.10; P = 0.03 Severe acute traumatic coagulopathy = PT >1.5 to 3.33; P = 0.72
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