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Imported Malaria

Pediatric EM Morsels

ovale to cover the hypnozoite that can stay dormant in the liver and cause a secondary infection in the future Severe Malaria IV artesunate is currently the accepted first line treatment Previously IV quinine was first line, however it was associated with higher incidence of hypoglycemia, cardiac dysrhythmias, seizures, and comas.

Seizures 278
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Mind The Bleep

Investigations EDTA blood (ie an FBC bottle) should be sent urgently for thick and thin films Most laboratories will also perform a rapid diagnostic test (lateral flow), which has quite good sensitivity for P falciparum and reasonable sensitivity for P vivax If the rapid test is negative, consider alternative differentials (e.g.

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ED care of refugee populations from sub-Saharan Africa


She presents with a seven-day history of fever, fatigue, and myalgias associated with decreased oral intake and an episode of seizure-like activity three hours prior to arrival. Additionally, there is no family history of seizure disorders. 10 This burden of infectious disease is markedly higher than for the general population.