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Early Modern Resuscitators

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Joseph Kreiselman’s portable concertina-like bellows was invented and deployed in the US military from 1943 followed by the UK’s Porton Resuscitator, postwar, from its secret chemical research facility and used industrially into the early 1960s. Czech Military resuscitation kit, 1969, mfr. Committee on Shock. National Academies.

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Time, the subtle thief of youth

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

" Having a " Take Your Daughter To Work Day " conveys little, and necessarily is as sanitized beyond recognition as the silly 'medical' and 'emergency' dramas on television. How great must be her shock. My own career includes both prehospital and in-hospital care. Were we always clear upon what really bothered them?

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Milestones of Modern Progress in Emergency Care

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Trimble, BVMs] Many physicians of this era had experience of WWII and Korean War military medicine; they were joined by younger men who used GI Bill benefits to enter medicine, and then honed their skills in Vietnam. Milestones of Modern Progress in Emergency Care: WWII and Korean War military medical experience and progress.