EM@3AM: Brainstem Strokes
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
Taming the SRU
JULY 24, 2024
Early Physician Gestalt Versus Usual Screening Tools for the Prediction of Sepsis in Critically Ill Emergency Patients. Ann Emerg Med 2024 Background Sepsis remains an increasingly common emergency department condition that is tied to higher morbidity and mortality across the United States as well as the rest of the world.
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OCTOBER 29, 2024
On a busy day shift in the emergency department, our seasoned triage nurse comes to me after I finish caring for a hallway patient, “Hey, can you come see this guy in the triage room? This means deviating from protocols (when warranted) for sepsis because your initial impression is the patient would be harmed with that much fluid.
MAY 9, 2024
Complications of Gluteal AFT The pale, prone patient with multiple surgical drains and a constrictive faja has become a common site in the Jackson Memorial Hospital Emergency Department. Nearly half of all post-AFT patients presenting to our emergency departments required admission and six percent required ICU admission.
JANUARY 5, 2025
The PREOXI trial compared oxygen mask pre-oxygenation versus noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in patients requiring intubation in emergency departments (EDs) and intensive care units. Sepsis Robots or Sepsis Humans The proliferation of sepsis alerts in the ED has reached levels best described as obscene.
JANUARY 11, 2025
Clinical exam: 2, 3, 9 Abdominal distension and tenderness Nausea and vomiting Stool present in the rectal vault Peritonitis may be accompanied by hemodynamic instability in the case of sepsis. 2-4, 6 If there is a concern for perforation or sepsis, surgical consultation, blood cultures, empiric antibiotics, and fluids are recommended.
EB Medicine
JANUARY 10, 2020
Show Notes Please click here and take our listener survey Emergency Department management of Non-St Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, by Drs Julianna Jung and Sharon Bord. MACE= Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event: including re-infarction, stroke, dysrhythmia, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, and death.
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