Grand Rounds Recap 3.8.23
Taming the SRU
MARCH 17, 2023
mepivacaine (1-3 h) 1% lidocaine +/- epi (2-3h) 0.25% bupivacaine (2-3 h) 0.25-0.5% mg/kg IV Versed: 0.2 mg/kg IM, 0.2 mg/kg IN (may repeat to max of 0.4 mg/kg IN), 0.2
Taming the SRU
MARCH 17, 2023
mepivacaine (1-3 h) 1% lidocaine +/- epi (2-3h) 0.25% bupivacaine (2-3 h) 0.25-0.5% mg/kg IV Versed: 0.2 mg/kg IM, 0.2 mg/kg IN (may repeat to max of 0.4 mg/kg IN), 0.2
Taming the SRU
FEBRUARY 23, 2024
Location of the block will determine the morphology of the QRS (as a higher block may have a narrow QRS with a rate of 40-60bpm) Evaluation in the ED: basic labs including BMP and troponin, EKG, bedside echo, CXR Management: Atropine: push-dose 0.5-1mg,
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Taming the SRU
FEBRUARY 22, 2023
HIV related renal disease HIV Associated Nephropathy (HIVAN) Form of FSGS Renal recovery can occur with ART Can occur prior to HIV seroconversion HIV Immune Complex Kidney Disease Less common than HIVAN Develops later in disease course Better prognosis Dermatologic Manigfestations of HIV HIV Associated Facial molluscum in an adult Proximal subungual (..)
MARCH 11, 2025
Musculoskeletal complications include osteopenia with increased risk for long bone fractures. I recommend an order set that includes ECG, glucose, creatinine, liver enzymes, lipase, amylase, electrolytes including calcium, magnesium, and phosphate ketones, and urinalysis. 16 An elevated amylase suggests repetitive vomiting as well.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
JANUARY 21, 2023
The patient had a witnessed generalized tonic-clonic seizure leading to GCS 4. In the resuscitation room, the patient had another seizure that stopped after IV Lorazepam. ECG met STEMI criteria and was labeled STEMI by computer interpretation. ECG met STEMI criteria and was labeled STEMI by computer interpretation.
NOVEMBER 4, 2024
Costochondritis, rib fractures, and pericarditis are common causes of chest pain that can be treated with multimodal regimens. 7 Rib and Sternal Fractures: Rib fractures are often caused by blunt chest trauma. Up to two-thirds of rib fractures are missed on initial chest radiographs. Most cases abate by one year.
Taming the SRU
AUGUST 25, 2023
doxycycline Consider a splint/cast window to allow direct monitoring mainly used for fracture blisters and/or open wounds yet takes away from the strength of the splint/cast Case #3 43yo with FOOSH injury and closed wrist deformity, yet no x-ray machine is available to you Least likely injuries to need an x-ray in a resource-limiting setting?
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