ECG of the Week 2nd March 2022 Answer
MARCH 3, 2022
A 70 year old female presents to ED complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain.
MARCH 3, 2022
A 70 year old female presents to ED complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain.
Critical Care Now
MARCH 3, 2022
Reading Time: 4 minutes Stephen Biehl Respiratory therapist specializing in lung health investigations. If not I’m the unit, find me in the PFT lab, bronch suite, rehab, or taking the stairs. The Pre-brief Working in a Pulmonary Function Lab plus providing in-patient care within the hospital, I see patients every day that have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
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Cook County EM Blog
MARCH 3, 2022
Written by: Clara Lee, PharmD; PGY1 Pharmacy Resident Reviewed by: Joanne C.
Core Medical Group
MARCH 3, 2022
We all go through different seasons in life. Sometimes, a travel nurse like you thrives on bouncing from assignment to assignment. In other seasons, you may just want normalcy and familiarity for a while rather than starting over again. And that’s ok!
Speaker: Simran Kaur, Co-founder & CEO at Tattva.Health
AI is transforming clinical trials—accelerating drug discovery, optimizing patient recruitment, and improving data analysis. But its impact goes far beyond research. As AI-driven innovation reshapes the clinical trial process, it’s also influencing broader healthcare trends, from personalized medicine to patient outcomes. Join this new webinar featuring Simran Kaur for an insightful discussion on what all of this means for the future of healthcare!
Advanced Medical Reviews
MARCH 2, 2022
Like nearly everything else, the health care industry experienced a wide array of challenges and changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some physician practices shuttered and many saw marked declines in revenue; hospitals and health systems postponed many types of elective procedures; overworked doctors and nurses in overwhelmed urgent care and intensive care units switched gears to treat coronavirus patients; and telehealth rapidly became a primary source of care.
Emergency Medicine Cases
MARCH 1, 2022
In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Brit Long on Surving Sepsis Campaign -2021 Updates, Nour Khatib on rural medicine case - angle closure glaucoma, Reuben Strayer on bougie vs endotracheal tube and stylet on first-attempt intubation, Justin Hensley on management of frostbite, Sarah Foohey on the hot and altered patient, and Andrew Petrosoniak on central cord syndrome.
Emergency Care Today brings together the best content for emergency care practitioners from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Ultrasound Gel
FEBRUARY 28, 2022
If you have listened to this podcast for any amount of time, you know how POCUS studies usually go. Someone does an ultrasound on something cool and then compares it to another test to see how good it is. Well this study is different. In this case, we are taking a tried and true application of POCUS (undifferentiated dyspnea) and comparing a dedicated ultrasound team's POCUS to the treating emergency team's POCUS.
Northwestern EM Blog
FEBRUARY 28, 2022
Written by: Patrick King, MD (NUEM ‘23) Edited by: Adesuwa Akehtuamhen, MD (NUEM ‘21) Expert Commentary by : Matt McCauley, MD (NUEM ‘21) Expert Commentary Thank you for this succinct summary of an incredibly important topic. We as emergency physicians spend a lot of time thinking about peri-intubation physiology but the challenges do not end once the plastic is through the cords.
Emergency Medicine Cases
FEBRUARY 28, 2022
Jesse McLaren explains his AFIB mnemonic for approach to atrial fibrillation that involves 4 questions: 1. Is it atrial fibrillation? 2. If it is atrial fibrillation and there is rapid ventricular response, is it fast from a secondary cause? 3. If it is atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response without a secondary cause, what is the intervention?
Board Bombs
FEBRUARY 27, 2022
Want to experience the greatest in board studying? Check out our interactive question bank podcast- the FIRST of its kind here: Don’t be too salty. Lithium can cause quite the battery of problems so let’s review them while you recharge for your next shift. See what we did there? Want to experience the greatest in board studying?
The Skeptics' Guide to EM
FEBRUARY 26, 2022
Date: February 21st 2022 Reference: Kim et al. Emergency psychiatric assessment, treatment, and healing (EmPATH) unit decreases hospital admission for patients presenting with suicidal ideation in rural America. AEM February 2022. Guest Skeptic: Dr. Kirsty Challen (@KirstyChallen) is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine Research Lead at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust (North West England).
MARCH 3, 2022
70 year old female presents to ED with a 1 month history of vomiting and diarrhoea. Over the last few days she has started to feel increasingly weak and had a few episodes of confusion.
FEBRUARY 28, 2022
Jon-Emile S. Kenny MD [ @heart_lung ] “The world wavered and quivered and threatened to burst into flames.” -Virginia Woolf Background Intravenous fluid therapy is one of the most commonly-performed interventions in all of critical care medicine. Numerous trials over the last 20 years have attempted to identify the ideal fluid for those in the intensive care unit, with conflicting results.
Critical Care Now
MARCH 3, 2022
Reading Time: 6 minutes Mike Tom Pre-Brief: Most triathlons start with a mob of fit people jostling for position while sprinting headlong into the water to commence the swim portion of their event. In most cases, this mob has been swimming, biking, and running with varying dedication for months to years and most will have little to no medical history.
MARCH 1, 2022
70 year old female presents to ED with a 1 month history of vomiting and diarrhoea. Over the last few days she has started to feel increasingly weak and had a few episodes of confusion.
FEBRUARY 28, 2022
A 70 year old female presents to ED complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain.
MARCH 1, 2022
Jon-Emile S. Kenny MD [ @heart_lung ] The tremendous, Hospitalist and the Resuscitationist [H & R] conference returns this May 18-21st in Montreal, Canada. I am humbled to participate this year and look forward especially since the conference was paused for 2021. I am certain that Dr. Philippe Rola, who has been organizing this meeting since 2018, will create another captivating experience for all who join.
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