EMCrit 334 – CV-EMCrit – Concise HeartMate 3 LVAD Overview
OCTOBER 7, 2022
A review on dealing with HeartMate 3 (most common LVAD you will see) Emergencies. EMCrit Project by Katrina Augustin.
OCTOBER 7, 2022
A review on dealing with HeartMate 3 (most common LVAD you will see) Emergencies. EMCrit Project by Katrina Augustin.
Kings County Downstate EM
OCTOBER 6, 2022
Author: Alec Feuerbach Peer Editor: Nicole Anthony Faculty Editor: Mark Silverberg This week we have two ECGs to examine. The first is the ECG of a 50-year-old woman who presented to the ED after experiencing uncomfortable palpitations and lightheadedness. ECG 1: This ECG shows a rapid ventricular rate of […] The post Characteristics of Typical Atrial Flutter appeared first on County EM.
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Eolas Medical
OCTOBER 6, 2022
Previously on bedside cyborgs. Part 2 Welcome back to this three-part blog series on intelligent search in a healthcare context.
Board Bombs
OCTOBER 6, 2022
Want to experience the greatest in board studying? Check out our interactive question bank podcast- the FIRST of its kind here: emrapidbombs.supercast.com. 2 episodes in ONE WEEK! You’d think its a gift… until you listen to this one. You thought the last episode was bad? Anal pruritus, tape test, and ACEP22. Someone has to cover this stuff, I guess its going to be us.
OCTOBER 3, 2022
3 great cases from the NeuroEMCrit Team. EMCrit Project by NeuroEMCrit Team (Casey & Neha).
OCTOBER 5, 2022
Take Home Points Patients with severe hypercalcemia (> 14 mg/dL) are at risk for severe cardiac dysrhythmias and cardiac collapse Treatment centers on volume repletion with normal saline with consideration for the addition of loop diuretics AFTER volume reexpansion is complete As the patient begins to diurese, continually monitor electrolytes REBEL Core Cast 87.0 – Hypercalcemia Click here for Direct Download of the Podcast Definition: A serum calcium level > 10.5 mg/dL.
OCTOBER 4, 2022
A 17 year old female presents to ED complaining of chest pain and SOB on a background of ILI symptoms for the last 2 days. Vitals: HR 138 BP 110/70 Temp 37.
Emergency Care Today brings together the best content for emergency care practitioners from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
EB Medicine
OCTOBER 2, 2022
In this episode, Sam Ashoo, MD interviews Rawad Rayes, MD and Eva Tovar Hirashima, MD, MPH – two of the authors of the August 2022 PEMP article on Pediatric Firearm Injuries to the Extremity: Management in the Emergency Department. Episode Outline: How common are pediatric firearm injuries? What is the most common location of these injuries? Is there much literature published on this topic?
Board Bombs
OCTOBER 2, 2022
Want to experience the greatest in board studying? Check out our interactive question bank podcast- the FIRST of its kind here: emrapidbombs.supercast.com. We are LIVE at ACEP22 and decided to pick a pretty gross topic, because. why not? Warning: don't listen to this while eating, and if you sense and itch coming on. go wash your hands first (you'll see).
OCTOBER 4, 2022
The chest x-rays are from a 3.5-year-old with increased work of breathing. What can be seen?
The Skeptics' Guide to EM
OCTOBER 1, 2022
Date: September 28th, 2022 Reference: Hartford et al. Disparities in the emergency department management of pediatric migraine by race, ethnicity, and language preference. AEM September 2022. Guest Skeptic: Dr. Lauren Westafer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School – Baystate.
Clinical Correlations
OCTOBER 5, 2022
Tisch/Kimmel Inpatient: What is the role for early rhythm control in patients with new atrial fibrillation? VA Outpatient: What medications are the most effective for treatment of diabetic neuropathy? Bellevue Inpatient: What treatment options exist for multidrug resistant tuberculosis?
OCTOBER 1, 2022
The JournalFeed podcast for the week of Sept 26-30th, 2022. These are summaries from just 2 of the 5 article we cover every week! For access to more, please visit JournalFeed.org for details about becoming a member. Neonatal Hyperbili Update Spoon Feed The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated clinical guidelines for management of term infants presenting with hyperbilirubinemia.
OCTOBER 2, 2022
A young man with history of asthma, presented to the emergency department after taking an overdose of his asthma medication.
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