Ultrasound Case 112
Life in the Fast Lane
OCTOBER 30, 2024
Casey Parker and James Rippey Ultrasound Case 112 A 30 year old woman who is currently 30 weeks gestation presents to the ED with abrupt, severe right loin pain.
Life in the Fast Lane
OCTOBER 30, 2024
Casey Parker and James Rippey Ultrasound Case 112 A 30 year old woman who is currently 30 weeks gestation presents to the ED with abrupt, severe right loin pain.
St. Emlyn
OCTOBER 30, 2024
St.Emlyn's - Emergency Medicine #FOAMed All the best from the blog from August 2024, in our easy to digest podcast. The post August 2024 Round-Up – Goldilocks Moments, Nasal Analgesia, and Public Health in the ED appeared first on St.Emlyn's.
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OCTOBER 30, 2024
A majority of patients with significant strokes experience fever within the first week after their vascular injury. The presence, intensity, and persistence of fevers are associated with worse outcomes after strokes of any type. For example: Patients with ischemic strokes who develop fever within the first 24 hours have more than double the risk of death, compared to patients without fevers.
Emergency Live
OCTOBER 30, 2024
By 2050, back pain could outnumber Alzheimer’s as the leading cause of disability globally Back pain, a nuisance that accompanies many of us in our daily lives, is taking on ever more alarming proportions. According to recent scientific studies, by 2050 it could outnumber Alzheimer’s as the leading cause of disability globally. This should make […] The post Schiena a rischio: una nuova epidemia appeared first on Emergency Live.
Taming the SRU
OCTOBER 30, 2024
morbidity and mortality - r2 cpc - r3 taming the sru: methemoglobinemia - r4 capstone: rural em Morbidity and mortality WITH dr. Gobble Case #1: Abdominal Pain Hypertriglyceride induced pancreatitis is the 3rd most common cause for acute pancreatitis Hypertriglyceridemia is defined as fasting triglyceride levels >150, but pancreatitis does not typically occur until levels >1000 Triglycerides are not inherently toxic to the pancreatic acinar cells, but their breakdown into free fatty ac
OCTOBER 30, 2024
ACEP Now : Boarding What obstacles exist in Congress to address hospital boarding? What would be your recommendations on how to address them? ACEP MEMBER TIMOTHY C. PECK, MD (D-IN-9) is running against incumbent Erin Houchin (R-IN-9) and Libertarian Russell Brooksbank (L-IN-9) in southeastern Indiana, a district that includes Bloomington and Indiana’s Louisville suburbs.
Emergency Care Today brings together the best content for emergency care practitioners from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
OCTOBER 30, 2024
‘Dope’ is no longer heroin in an increasing number of our communities. The biggest change has been the gradual replacement of diacetylmorphine (heroin) by fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. Due in large part to the proliferation of anonymous chemical factories able to produce industrial volumes of inexpensive synthetic opioids without opium or other controlled precursors, fentanyl spilled into the United States, Canada, and Europe, heroin soon fell to market forces [1, 2].
OCTOBER 30, 2024
Take Home Points Early diagnosis: erythema and warmth of the skin surrounding the umbilicus isn’t normal. Get labs, start abx and get the patient admitted Consult peds surgery on all of these patients as progression to nec fast, while uncommon, is devastating If the patient appears toxic or has systemic symptoms, the simply omphalitis has progressed and aggressive treatment including surgery is likely indicated REBEL Core Cast 130.0 – Omphalitis Click here for Direct Download of the Podcas
OCTOBER 30, 2024
[link] Hear how Dr West learnt emergency cric from Dr Ben McKenzie airway teaching session then actually did one!
Emergency Live
OCTOBER 30, 2024
Art and sport offer powerful tools to improve quality of life and slow disease progression Parkinson’s is not just a disease, it’s a life-changing challenge. Tremor, stiffness, slow movements: symptoms that deeply mark the daily life of those affected. But research does not stop and new avenues open up, offering patients more hope. A holistic […] The post Beyond Medicine: Art and Sport, New Weapons against Parkinson’s appeared first on Emergency Live.
OCTOBER 30, 2024
ACEP Now: Boarding has persisted as an issue for the past couple of years. In my career, it’s gotten worse and worse over time, especially after COVID. What obstacles do you find in Congress that exist right now when it comes to addressing hospital boarding, and what would be your recommendations on how we could address them from a society organizational perspective?
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
OCTOBER 30, 2024
Smith Introduction: Saddleback ST Elevation is often an OMI mimic, so one needs to scrutinize these ECGs!! Written by Magnus Nossen Below are ECGs from six different patients. All of the patients contacted EMS due to acute onset chest pain. Imagine you get these ECGs in real time and you are asked whether or not the cath lab should be activated? All ECGs in this case have saddleback ST elevation.
OCTOBER 30, 2024
ACEP MEMBER AMISH SHAH, MD, FACEP (D-AZ-1) is running against incumbent David Schweikert (R-AZ-1) for a House seat in Maricopa County. Dr. Shah trained at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health in New York. ACEP Now: What obstacles exist in Congress to address hospital boarding? What would be your recommendations on how to address them? Dr. Shah: Start to get your members of Congress to begin dialog with CMS because that’s where the rules are made that will affect this issue and solve this pro
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