REBEL Core Cast 87.0 – Hypercalcemia
OCTOBER 5, 2022
mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0 mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0 mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0 mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0
OCTOBER 5, 2022
mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0 mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0 mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0 mg/dL 10.5 – 12.0
Don't Forget the Bubbles
AUGUST 13, 2023
Most febrile seizures are generalized tonic clonic seizures, lasting for a few minutes (less than 10 mins) and are conventionally classified as being simple (70%) and complex (30%). Simple febrile seizures are generalized (i.e. Any febrile seizure lasting for > 30 mins is considered febrile status epilepticus.
Don't Forget the Bubbles
JULY 5, 2023
Infections, fever, acidosis, hypoxia, dehydration and exposure to extreme temperatures can trigger VOC even though often no cause is identified. Home analgesia: Advise families at home to increase fluid intake to avoid dehydration (dehydration will prolong painful episodes). Rotavirus gastroenteritis and dehydration C.
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