emDOCs Podcast – Episode 98: Post ROSC Mental Model
APRIL 2, 2024
Today on the emDOCs cast Brit Long interviews Zachary Aust on the use of a mental model in post ROSC patients. Episode 98: Post ROSC Mental Model What’s the problem?
APRIL 2, 2024
Today on the emDOCs cast Brit Long interviews Zachary Aust on the use of a mental model in post ROSC patients. Episode 98: Post ROSC Mental Model What’s the problem?
Taming the SRU
JUNE 26, 2024
Unresponsive patients with undetectable MAP or EtCO2 less than 20 should undergo CPR. Patients with AML and sepsis have a higher mortality than their otherwise healthy counterparts. Gut translocation is a common etiology of sepsis in patients with AML. One should ensure that the device is plugged in and an audible hum is heard.
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JANUARY 30, 2021
We cover Project COVERED, interval likelihood ratios for pediatric UA, sepsis workup for infant otitis media, ARREST RCT - ECMO+CPR, and the best immobilization for dancer’s fractures. It’s the JournalFeed Podcast for the week of Jan 25-29, 2021.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
MAY 19, 2020
ECMO Flow was achieved after approximately 1 hour of high quality CPR. pulmonary embolism, sepsis, etc.), She was unable to be defibrillated but was cannulated and placed on ECMO in our Emergency Department (ECLS - extracorporeal life support). After good ECMO flow was established, she was successfully defibrillated. myocarditis).
Critical Care Now
JULY 14, 2024
Several meta-analyses examining the efficacy of eCPR have been published, including either patient data from RCTs or data from both RCTs and observational trials, with the results indicating either a statistically significant benefit in neurologically favorable survival, or no difference with eCPR compared to conventional CPR.
AUGUST 20, 2024
This episode of PEM Currents discusses ECPR (Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), an advanced procedure used in cases of cardiac arrest when traditional CPR fails. So, eCPR, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an advanced medical procedure used in cases of cardiac arrest where traditional CPR has failed.
Thinking Critical Care
MAY 20, 2023
With help from the usual suspects (Rory Spiegel, Andre Denault, Korbin Haycock) we are focusing on some core areas in acute and critical care – sepsis, arrest and respiratory failure are perennials, but this year we are also adding neurocrit as a core component, which I think is a bit underserved and certainly deserving of more.
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