emDOCs Podcast – Episode 98: Post ROSC Mental Model
APRIL 2, 2024
Today on the emDOCs cast Brit Long interviews Zachary Aust on the use of a mental model in post ROSC patients. Episode 98: Post ROSC Mental Model What’s the problem?
APRIL 2, 2024
Today on the emDOCs cast Brit Long interviews Zachary Aust on the use of a mental model in post ROSC patients. Episode 98: Post ROSC Mental Model What’s the problem?
Taming the SRU
JUNE 26, 2024
Unresponsive patients with undetectable MAP or EtCO2 less than 20 should undergo CPR. Patients with AML and sepsis have a higher mortality than their otherwise healthy counterparts. Gut translocation is a common etiology of sepsis in patients with AML. One should ensure that the device is plugged in and an audible hum is heard.
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Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
MAY 19, 2020
ECMO Flow was achieved after approximately 1 hour of high quality CPR. A followup ECG was recorded 2 days later: No definite evidence of infarction. pulmonary embolism, sepsis, etc.), Smith — “ S hark F in” m orphology was noted on the initial monitoring strip, and initial 12-lead ECG. myocarditis). Did YOU see them?
Thinking Critical Care
MAY 20, 2023
With help from the usual suspects (Rory Spiegel, Andre Denault, Korbin Haycock) we are focusing on some core areas in acute and critical care – sepsis, arrest and respiratory failure are perennials, but this year we are also adding neurocrit as a core component, which I think is a bit underserved and certainly deserving of more.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
AUGUST 9, 2019
Some total LAD occlusion manifest on the ECG similarly to some left main occlusions. Depending on where the STE vector of the LM occlusion shows up on the ECG, there may be either STE, or STD, or neither in aVR, and lead aVR will not be the important part of the ECG interpretation in these cases.
EB Medicine
NOVEMBER 1, 2018
Thankfully, that gentleman was successfully resuscitated despite no bystander CPR, and if you listen carefully, we hope to arm you with the tools to do so similarly. Jeff: And unlike past issues covering more common pathologies, like, say, sepsis, this month’s team reviewed much more literature than just the past 10 years.
Taming the SRU
JUNE 6, 2023
then need further evaluation Usually with CTA imaging If normal physical exam & ABI>0.9,
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