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Brain Trauma Guidelines for Emergency Medicine


Confounders to the GCS such as seizure and post-ictal phase, ingestions and drug overdose, as well as medications administered in the prehospital setting that impact GCS score should be documented. National Center for Health Statistics: Mortality Data on CDC WONDER. CDC’s efforts to improve traumatic brain injury surveillance.

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Cholera: ED presentation, evaluation, and management


Rehydration therapy for patients with cholera should include volume resuscitation and electrolyte repletion. Patients who cannot tolerate oral intake of fluids should receive intravenous (IV) fluid resuscitation but are encouraged to start drinking ORS as soon as they are able. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2018 Nov;38(sup1):S16-S31.

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ED care of refugee populations from sub-Saharan Africa


She presents with a seven-day history of fever, fatigue, and myalgias associated with decreased oral intake and an episode of seizure-like activity three hours prior to arrival. Additionally, there is no family history of seizure disorders. A review of systems is notable for nausea and vomiting but no diarrhea.