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Mouth-to-Airway (adjunct)

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

The idea of placing one's mouth on the mouth of an apparently dead victim, particularly where the mouth may be covered with foam, mucus or blood, as often the case in asphyxia victims, as well as the fear of possible transmittal of disease is revolting to the average person and is difficult to overcome." Bauer, Robert O. Thompson, Jr.

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Milestones of Modern Progress in Emergency Care

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Efforts in the 1960s by The Committee on Trauma of The American College of Surgeons in improving ORs, emergency rooms, and "Minimal Equipment for Ambulances" gave impetus to better care and more regulation of ambulance services. Organization and Specialization in Emergency Nursing. EDNA->ENA.

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The Nose: the other route to the lungs

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Expiratory airway obstruction may well have been frequently misdiagnosed as it can produce breath-stacking and ball-valve obstruction that impedes any airflow with mask ventilation if neither a nasal nor an oral airway is used and the lips have closed under the mask. Lubricate well. Gerkin] Priceless. D., & Bair, A. Buffington, C.