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Mouth-to-Airway (adjunct)

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

L->R: Johnson & Johnson commercial version of adult/child & pediatric Safar S-tubes; middle: S-Tube of unknown manufacture of 2 OPAs conjoined with a plastic flange allowing use in either mode; right: comparison Berman airway, 100mm. The lips of the dead and the ‘kiss of life’: the contemporary deathbed and the aesthetic of CPR.

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The Nose: the other route to the lungs

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

factor than oral (which still suffers from the too-personal-contact-reluctance of the lay rescuer, as in “hands only CPR”), and to the more euphonious persuasion of “Mouth to Mouth” and “Kiss of Life.” At that time, too, it was felt that the cause, or —at least, the major focus of investigation, of Upper Airway Obstruction was the tongue.