Remove Allergic Reactions Remove Dehydration Remove Sepsis
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EM@3AM: Leukopenia


PCP Pneumonia, Sepsis) can be discharged with initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in consultation with Infectious Disease (ID) physician with full ID evaluation outpatient. 10^9/L) Moderate (0.50.9 10^9/L) Severe (< 0.5 10^9/L) Generalized leukopenia (i.e. Most common causes of leukopenia Infections: 36.4% Medications: 25.6%

EMS 80
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Episode 36 - Diagnosis and Management of Acute Gastroenteritis in the Emergency Department

EB Medicine

Laboratory Testing and Imaging: Dehydration is the biggest contributor to mortality, especially in the very young and elderly. Lab evaluation for dehydration is recommended in these populations. IV hydration for patients with severe dehydration, hypovolemic shock, septic shock, or failed oral rehydration. But PPV was only 24%.