Low Risk Intra-Abdominal Trauma: Rebaked Morsel
Pediatric EM Morsels
MAY 24, 2024
Cohort of 12,000 children with blunt IAI were prospectively enrolled to determine the number of subjects requiring acute intervention .
Pediatric EM Morsels
MAY 24, 2024
Cohort of 12,000 children with blunt IAI were prospectively enrolled to determine the number of subjects requiring acute intervention .
OCTOBER 30, 2023
Most major hemorrhage protocols give a balanced transfusion of PRBCs, FFP, and platelets in ratios approaching concentrations found in whole blood. The optimal approach to fibrinogen administration in massive hemorrhage protocols is unknown. Fibrinogen products may also be needed to stabilize clots and stem bleeding.
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The Trauma Pro
SEPTEMBER 20, 2023
Until the last few years, massive transfusion in trauma consisted of component therapy, an admixture of packed red cells, plasma, and platelets. Whole blood transfusion is making inroads again, but it is used in a minority of centers.
Pediatric EM Morsels
NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Food and Drug Administration Approval of Artesunate for Severe Malaria: Enough to Achieve Best Practice? Imported Malaria in Countries where Malaria Is Not Endemic: a Comparison of Semi-immune and Nonimmune Travelers. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2020 Mar 11;33(2):e00104-19. PMID: 32161068 Thomas CM, Stauffer WM, Alpern JD. Clin Infect Dis.
DECEMBER 6, 2024
In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated unit-dose packaging for all iron-containing products with more than 30 milligrams of elemental iron. Blood transfusion for clinically significant blood loss. Can titrate up to maximum of 40 mg/kg/hr, although hypotension may limit dose of deferoxamine.
MAY 25, 2023
vs 3U) but no difference in mortality (Study not powered for this outcome) Clinical Take Home Point: The use of vasopressors is controversial and requires a nuanced approach SUMMARY OF MINIMIZING IATROGENIC INJURY RESTORE PERFUSION VOLUME REPLACEMENT Blood Products >>> Crystalloids Holcomb JB et al. Intensive Care Med 2020. [13]
JUNE 12, 2024
Two randomized controlled trials by Moore et al found that prehospital plasma administration in trauma patients is associated with hypoCa (53% vs 36%). Prehospital transfusion of pRBCs is also associated with lower ionized Ca levels, and the degree of hypoCa correlates with the number of blood products transfused.
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