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How to Find a Quality Blog Post on Epiglottitis: Findings from a SOAR Review


But there are some challenges when it comes to the utilization of FOAM: – Decentralization of FOAM resources – Concerns about the quality of information being presented The Solution: The Systematic Online Academic Resource, or SOAR, review was created in an effort to address some of these limitations. We want to help you learn!

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The PROPHY-VAP Trial: Ceftriaxone to Prevent VAP in Patients with Acute Brain Injury


3, 6 Among patients with stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI), the risk may be as high as 28%-76% and 23%-60%, respectively. Limited to academic hospitals in one country, which may call generalizability into question. Post-stroke infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 4, 8 Paper: Dahyot-Fizelier, C., Vermeij, J.

CDC 107
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Diagnostics: Inflammatory Markers

Taming the SRU

A 2011 meta-analysis in the journal of Academic Emergency Medicine found ESR, CRP, and PCT were not acutely useful in the diagnosis of septic arthritis due to wildly varying sensitivities and specificities between studies. They recommend synovial joint aspiration and analysis for bacteria (and leukocytes) to diagnose SANJO [28]. 2018.09.070.