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Diagnostics: Inflammatory Markers

Taming the SRU

A 2011 meta-analysis in the journal of Academic Emergency Medicine found ESR, CRP, and PCT were not acutely useful in the diagnosis of septic arthritis due to wildly varying sensitivities and specificities between studies. They recommend synovial joint aspiration and analysis for bacteria (and leukocytes) to diagnose SANJO [28]. 2018.09.070.

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Antibiotics in the paediatric emergency department

Don't Forget the Bubbles

For example, the RCH Melbourne guideline recommends antibiotics only for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Maori and Pacific Islanders, those with a personal or family history of rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease, or immunosuppressed children. Randel A, Infectious Disease Society of America. Med J Aust.