EM@3AM: Brainstem Strokes
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
JANUARY 11, 2025
Clinical exam: 2, 3, 9 Abdominal distension and tenderness Nausea and vomiting Stool present in the rectal vault Peritonitis may be accompanied by hemodynamic instability in the case of sepsis. 2-4, 6 If there is a concern for perforation or sepsis, surgical consultation, blood cultures, empiric antibiotics, and fluids are recommended.
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JANUARY 29, 2024
JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2018. in the paper but 2.7% to ≈0.99 (p<0.001) Mean MPI/Tei Index≈ 0.47 in the paper but 2.7% to ≈0.99 (p<0.001) Mean MPI/Tei Index≈ 0.47 to 4.0mg/hr typically given in EKOS therapy (See Below). PMID: 30025734 Sharifi M et al. Moderate Pulmonary Embolism Treated with thrombolysis (from the “MOPETT” Trial).
NOVEMBER 11, 2021
To focus matters, the hemodynamic variable under consideration is the stroke volume [SV]; in other words, how does a push of phenylephrine affect SV? ’ Diminished stroke volume? evaluated phenylephrine in 7 critically-ill patients with ‘hyperdynamic’ sepsis [defined as sepsis with CO above 6.0
JULY 10, 2023
Continuous meropenem infusion for critically ill patients with sepsis Antibiotics have a time-dependent effect on bacteria; maintaining bacteriocidal concentrations of antibiotics should help subdue infections better than intermittent dosing. Mortality was about 30% in each group, and most patients had hospital-acquired sepsis.
Taming the SRU
AUGUST 30, 2023
A 2018 USA multi-center prospective RCT involving 1,656 adult patients published in NEJM used varying PCT cut-offs to guide antibiotic initiation in the emergency department. Sepsis PCT may have some utility in guiding posttest probability for sepsis when the diagnosis is unclear. 2018 Aug 1;10(8):a028456. ng/mL, 0.25-0.5
Taming the SRU
FEBRUARY 5, 2024
2018) Epidemiology of lumbar punctures in hospitalized patients in the United States. The UK joint specialist societies guideline on the diagnosis and management of acute meningitis and meningococcal sepsis in immunocompetent adults. A., & Koehler, P. The first lumbar puncture. PLOS ONE 13(12): e0208622. C., & Solomon, T.
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