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Heat-Related Illness

Pediatric Emergency Playbook

2013 Jul-Aug; 48(4): 546–553. Heat illness and heat stroke. J Athl Train. DeFranco MJ et al. Environmental issues for team physicians. Am J Sports Med. 2008 Nov;36(11):2226-37. Ishimine P. Hyperthermia. In: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Baren JM, Rothrock SG, Brennan JA, Brown L (Eds), Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia 2008. Jardine DS.

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Toxicology Answer: The Capsaicin Found in Hot Peppers and Chilis


Carolina Reaper, under whose effects I was suffering, is a cultivar of ( Capsicum chinense ) and was declared in 2013 to be the hottest chili pepper in the world with greater than 1.6 degress Fahrenheit), caustics (low pH), and voltage—causing a Ca++ and Na+ action potential influx that confers the sensation of pain and burning to the brain.

Burns 40

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TXA in head injuries

Don't Forget the Bubbles

CRASH 2 , published in 2013 – was huge. Again, there was no increase in thrombotic stroke in the TXA group – TXA looks safe. 2013 Mar;17(10):1-79. But, there’s always been a worry that giving TXA could cause clotting in the cerebral vessels. This is not good. There have been a couple of landmark trials.

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ICU Physiology in 1000 Words: The Pulse


This is analogous to a left ventricle with constant stroke volume and heart rate, respectively. Taylor KJW, Burns PN, Wells PNT: Clinical Applications of Doppler Ultrasound. Tedford RJ: Determinants of right ventricular afterload (2013 Grover Conference series). Pulmonary circulation 2014, 4(2):211-219.

Burns 40
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Pediatric Pain

Pediatric Emergency Playbook

The FPS-R uses more neutral and realistic faces and, unlike the Wong Baker scale, does not use smiling or crying faces to anchor the extremes of pain ( Tsze 2013 ). Use soothing sensory measures: speak softly, offer a pacifier, and stroke the skin softly. Pediatric burns should be assessed carefully and treated aggressively.

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Diagnostics: Inflammatory Markers

Taming the SRU

However, PCT can be elevated in severe trauma, such as burns or surgery [5,25]. A 2013 meta-analysis of 30 studies including 3,244 patients published in The Lancet found PCT to have a pooled sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 79% for sepsis in critically ill patients [52]. 2013 Jun 15;13:272. 2013 May;13(5):426-35.