EM@3AM: Brainstem Strokes
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
MAY 11, 2024
Answer : Brainstem stroke specifically in the pons resulting in locked in syndrome. CT head without contrast 1 is performed and reveals the following: Question: What is the diagnosis?
APRIL 24, 2024
Pediatric strokes are rare and challenging to diagnose. There is a validated Pediatric Stroke Scale from the NIH that can be used in conjunction with a stroke protocol that involves Neurology, Radiology, and a local/regional Stroke Team. Early consultation with a pediatric hematologist and neurologist is mandatory.
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Pediatric Emergency Playbook
Case 3: Headache and Arteriovenous Malformation Unlike in adults, stroke in children is divided evenly between hemorrhagic and ischemic etiologies. Treatment: stabilization, embolization by interventional radiology, elective extirpation when more stable. Pediatric Seizures and Strokes: Beyond Benzos and Brain Scans. Boston, MA.
Northwestern EM Blog
MAY 16, 2022
It is worth mentioning that this study was a multicenter study based in the US with representation from ED, Radiology, and Urology. Third, for those with proper training, and with some exceptions (see the systematic review paper for case vignettes that highlight these), POCUS is non-inferior to radiology-performed US. Coursey, C.
Pediatric Emergency Playbook
JUNE 1, 2017
The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) revised the criteria in 2012. The previously well child now decompensated: undiagnosed thrombophilia Asymptomatic patent foramen ovale (PFO) is the cause of some cases of cryptogenic vascular disease, such as stroke and MI. 2012; AID 471759. 2012; 7:19796.
JULY 3, 2023
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is 13; vital signs include pulse 86 beats/minute (bpm), blood pressure 164/94 mmHg, and saturation of 98% on room air. 14 The American Stroke Association (ASA) and American Heart Association (AHA) recommend SBP <160 mmHg until definitive management of the bleed is completed.
EB Medicine
FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Nachi: And patients with neurologic deficits or severe sudden-onset headaches, should be transported immediately to the nearest available stroke center. Let’s talk radiology. Nachi: Unfortunately, the 2008 ACEP guideline and 2012 AHA guidelines still recommend a lumbar puncture in those being worked up for SAH.
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