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Episode 28 - Depressed and Suicidal Patients in the Emergency Department: An Evidence-Based Approach

EB Medicine

Jeff: If those figures seem a bit high, another CDC study found that in a general population survey of a quarter million people between 2006-2008, 9% met the criteria for major depression. PA’s and NP’s - make sure to use the code APP4 at checkout to save 50%. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2006. (US

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The Nose: the other route to the lungs

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Introduction: My first professional ambulance call was for three victims of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Confirming endotracheal placement: In addition to the usual required methods and documentation, remember that, most likely, your patient will still be breathing. Before the romantic portion could begin, the cat became ill.

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Recent News Headlines Infer that Cannabis is Deadly

Sensible Medicine

They included all individuals who used the province’s public health insurance program—which covers 97% of residents between 2006 and 2021. They used codes to find those who had a visit for CUD. The types of death that were elevated included suicide (10x), trauma (5x), opioid poisoning (5x) and lung cancer (4x).