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Mouth-to-Airway (adjunct)

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

It is a curious paradox of history that Nerve Gas was the product of agricultural research by the burgeoning chemical industry in Germany in the latter 19 th and early 20 th centuries, and that modern understanding of resuscitation came from WWII military investigations (Edgar A. Let's look at the early expired air resuscitation adjuncts!

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Oxygen Powered Resuscitators

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

This is the fifth part of our series on "Early Modern Resuscitation." " Part I: Oral Airways, early resuscitation, and recognition of airway care. It was not a practical resuscitative aid until production could be commercially successful (~1895) and made portable in compressed form. Pulmotor is 1907. Beecher, M.

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Seeing Peter Safar, and his work

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Peter Josef Safar in 2003, who is often called "The Father of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation," or noted citations of his work in articles written and references given by me here at and the Advanced Emergency Nursing Blog. " established that exhaled air was a satisfactory gas for resuscitation.