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Diffuse Subendocardial Ischemia on the ECG. Left main? 3-vessel disease? No!

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Clinical Course The paramedic activated a “Code STEMI” alert and transported the patient nearly 50 miles to the closest tertiary medical center. 2 The astute paramedic recognized this possibility and announced a CODE STEMI. 2) Hypoxia, including poisons of oxidative phosphorylation such as HS, CO, CN. What do you see?

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Carbon Dioxide As A Resuscitative Gas

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Even after no longer having a role in resuscitation, CO2 was advocated for accelerating clearance of carbon monoxide poisoning into the 1950s and 1960s. This is a cased kit of a Sparklet Resuscitator (J size), with pressure chamber, regulator, tubing, reservoir bag, flow stopcock, and funnel mask, with associated documents.

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The Nose: the other route to the lungs

Advanced Emergency Nursing from AENJ

Introduction: My first professional ambulance call was for three victims of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Confirming endotracheal placement: In addition to the usual required methods and documentation, remember that, most likely, your patient will still be breathing. Before the romantic portion could begin, the cat became ill.